Photography Portfolio
Fashion, Product, Dance, Flatlay, Location, event and Jewellery Photography
The full collection of my recent photography work for various clients. Including work for Manchester Fashion Festival, Dancewear Central, Sia Shafer and Lisa Forshaw PR.
With Fashion photography, Product Photography, Dance photography, Location Photography, Event Photography, Runway Photography, Jewellery photography, Flatlay photography and Nature photography.
If you would like to discuss your next photoshoot and working with me, please contact me using the links above or using the contact form and details at the bottom of this page.
Please click on the image to enlarge.

Victoria Ekanoye singing on stage at the 2019 Manchester Fashion festival - runway photographer

Dancer Jess Templeton modeling for Dancewear Central - product and campaign photography

creative jewellery shot for Sia Shafer - jewellery photographer

Expressive head shot photography exploring the gaze theory
Location Model Fashion photography for Dotties UK - fashion photorgrapher

Sia Shafer Ring - Jewellery Photographer

Zepynep Kartal on stage at the 2019 Manchester fashion festival - runway photographer

Aisha Kamani boohoo and pretty little thing, Stacey Giggs and Fashion Designer Zeynep Kartal with PHA agency models at the 2018 Christies Charity event at Hotel Gotham Manchester. - event and fashion photographer

Model walking for Forever unique at the 2019 Manchester Fashion Festival - runway photographer

Gold and Silver rings on branded packaging - creative jewellery photography for Sia Shafer

Fashion Model location photography

Gold and silver necklaces on branded packaging - creative photography for Sia Shafer

Max George from The Wanted singing on stage at the 2019 Manchester Fashion Festival - runway fashion photographer

Location fashion Model Photography for Retailer Dotties UK

bhavna Limbachia on stage with Jenny Powell and Mike Toolan at the 2019 manchester Fashion Festival - Runway and event photographer

Landscape photography

Earring photography for Sia Shafer

behind the scenes photography at the 2018 Lisa Forshaw PR Christies Charity event.

Maddison Anastasia of Honey I'm Home singing on stage at the 2019 Manchester Fashion Festival - event and runway photographer

Gold Necklace, jewellery photography for Sia Shafer

Model location fashion photography

Jenny Powell on stage at the 2019 Manchester Fashion Festival - event photography

Nature photography

Model Location Fashion Photography

Jewellery creative photography

Expressive head shot photography exploring the gaze theory

Poet Tony Walsh on stage at the 2019 Manchester Fashion Festival - event photographer

Creative photography of a gold ring for Sia Shafer - Jewellery Photographer

Nature and Landscape Photographer

Silver earrings on branded packaging for Sia Shafer - creative jewellery photographer

Dancer Serena Williams for Dancewear Central - product dance fashion photographer

Jenny powell with fashion designer Dysfunctional on stage at the 2019 manchester Fashion Festival - Event and runway photographer

Location model fashion photography for Dotties UK fashion retailer

Expressive head shot photography exploring the gaze theory

Creative Jewellery photography for Sia Shafer - Jewellery product photographer

Baiana Band and On Pointe Productions on stage at the 2019 manchester Fashion Festival - event photographer

Model fashion location photography

Creative jewellery photography for Sia Shafer - jewellery photographer

Behind the scenes photography at the Lisa Forshaw PR Christies charity event 2018 - event photography

gold and silver rings, product photography for Sia Shafer - product photographer

Presenter Mike Toolan on the stage at the 2019 Manchester fashion festival - event photographer

flatlay photography for Dancewear Central - product and flatlay photographer

Creative photography for Sia Shafer - jewellery product photographer

Dancer Serena Williams modelling for Dancewear Central product campaign creative photographer

model on stage for I love MCR at the 2019 Manchester Fashion Festival - event and runway photographer

Location model fashion photography for Dotties UK - Fashion Photographer

Gold Ring for Sia shafer - product jewellery photographer

Landscape Nature photographer

Model walking for Junq Couture at the 2019 Manchester fashion festival - event and runway photographer

Stacey Giggs and Aisha Kamani of Boohoo and Pretty Little thing at the 2018 Lisa Forshaw PR Christies charity event - event photography

Gold jewellery for Sia Shafer - Product jewellery photographer

Expressive head shot photography exploring the gaze theory

Max George from The Wanted singing on stage at the 2019 Manchester fashion festival - event and runway photographer

Location Fashion model photographer

Model location fashion photography for Dotties UK - fashion photographer

Model walking for Junq Couture at the 2019 manchester fashion festival - event runway photographer

location model fashion photographer

model walking for Forever Unique at the 2019 manchester fashion festival - event and runway photographer

Creative jewellery photography for Sia Shafer - jewellery product photographer

Location Model Fashion photographer for Dotties UK
Landscape Nature photographer

model walking for Forever Unique at the 2019 manchester fashion festival - event and runway photographer

behind the scenes of fashion designer Zeynep Kartals collection at the 2018 Lisa Forshaw PR christies charity event - event photographer

gold and silver bracelets for Sia shafer - product and creative jewellery photographer
location model fashion photographer

stage setting for the 2019 Manchester fashion festival - event photographer

Expressive head shot photography exploring the gaze theory

Mena Hamoodi on the stage at the 2019 Manchester fashion festival - event and runway photographer

Jellyfish - Landscape Nature Photographer

Creative jewellery photography for Sia Shafer - creative jewellery photographer

Victoria Ekanoye singing on stage at the 2019 Manchester fashion festival - event and runway photographer

Product and Campaign photography for Dancewear Central - photographer

Dancer Jess Templeton dance fashion product photography for Dancewear Central - dance photographer

Max George on singing on stage at the 2019 Manchester fashion festival - event festival photographer

Location Model fashion photographer for Dotties UK

Creative and product jewellery photography for Sia Shafer

Aisha Kamani of Boohoo and Pretty Little Thing with PHA agency models and Fashion Designer Zeynep Kartal at the 2018 Christies charity event for Lisa Forshaw PR

Creative Jewellery photography for Sia Shafer - product jewellery photographer

Model walking for Mena Hamoodi at the the 2019 manchester fashion festival - event and runway photographer
Expressive head shot photography exploring the gaze theory
Landscape Nature photographer

Model Location fashion photographer

Dancer Serena Williams - Campaign and product photographer for Dancewear Central

Creative jewellery photography for Sia Shafer - Jewellery photographer

model walking for Forever Unique at the 2019 manchester fashion festival - event and runway photographer

Earring photography for Sia Shafer - jewellery product photographer

Location model fashion photographer for Dotties UK

Landscape Nature photographer

model walking for Forever Unique at the 2019 manchester fashion festival - event and runway photographer

Expressive head shot photography exploring the gaze theory

Product and campaign photography for Dancewear Central

Location model fashion photographer for Dotties UK

Earring photography for Sia Shafer - jewellery product photographer

Behind the scenes photography at the Lisa Forshaw PR Christies charity event 2018 - event photography

Landscape Nature photographer

Creative and product jewellery photography for Sia Shafer

Product and campaign photography for Dancewear Central

Creative and product jewellery photography for Sia Shafer
Model Location fashion photographer

Model Location fashion photographer
Expressive head shot photography exploring the gaze theory

model walking for Neon Rose at the 2019 manchester fashion festival - event and runway photographer

Behind the scenes photography at the Lisa Forshaw PR Christies charity event 2018 - event photography

Creative and product jewellery photography for Sia Shafer
Model Location fashion photographer

Dancer Jess Templeton dance fashion product photography for Dancewear Central - dance photographer

Landscape Nature photographer
Landscape Nature photographer

Product and campaign photography for Dancewear Central

Landscape Nature photographer

Earring photography for Sia Shafer - jewellery product photographer

Location model fashion photographer for Dotties UK

Location model fashion photographer for Dotties UK

Creative and product jewellery photography for Sia Shafer

Behind the scenes photography at the Lisa Forshaw PR Christies charity event 2018 - event photography

Model Location fashion photographer

Model Location fashion photographer

Location model fashion photographer for Dotties UK
Expressive head shot photography exploring the gaze theory

Location model fashion photographer for Dotties UK

Product and campaign photography for Dancewear Central

Landscape Nature photographer

Location model fashion photographer for Dotties UK

Earring photography for Sia Shafer - jewellery product photographer

Expressive head shot photography exploring the gaze theory

Model Location fashion photographer

Landscape Nature photographer

Landscape Nature photographer

Model Location fashion photographer

model walking for Forever Unique at the 2019 manchester fashion festival - event and runway photographer
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Thats where I like to show my personal creative side and my recent work!